Tuesday, December 1, 2009

war president

Hi- my computer is having major issues, but I just have to sound off from someone else's box - more war, hm? more of the same when what we so desperately need is a major overhaul- I am wearing black today. I thought he was a student of history! I thought he was going to cut through bullshit! so much for the O rising in a new dawn- it's a sunset, this is the end of an empire, plant your garden, dear ones, because this war is coming home for the holidays.

In personal news, I'm great, other than the obvious. this year has been intense and wonderful- four great firings in two kilns, friends new and known, major garden work, more construction projects, body starting to have issues, and ongoing internal work. I had wanted to get a new website up and running by the end of the year but things fall apart. I'm looking forward to next year.

on the 11th, I fly to Florida for a day and then on to Cape Town harbor for a month. I'll be relaxing aboard the Argo with Pop as we "babysit" her inbetween her time serving as a schoolship for SeaMester. As yet, we're not sure what sort of maintenance or repairs she might need in that time- it is possible that we'll spend a fair amount of time in the industrial districts. Or she might be in fine shape, and we spend a fair amount of time exploring wine country. Either one sounds great to me! Pop is great to travel with- adventurous, not rigid, food hedonist, and well-heeled but downtempo about it. I've made a new journal, and I will post here of our adventures if I have easy access to the web. Hopefully with photos..

Here in Portland, the sun is shining and we have a few days of not very cold yet to go. I will likely be refinishing a friend's fir floor. Hope everyone is well-


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