Wednesday, January 21, 2009

ding dong the wicked witch is dead!

(and I scored a paying job for two months) Oh it is such a beautiful day!! can you just feel the air clearing up? oh yes, there are storms, but the man at the helm says you can do the difficult thing, you've done it before. Harry Belafonte says without you, the man will fail. You!! Me! I am needed! My man praises the makers of things!! Me! Baby, talk to me! I am on this ship! I am not hiding in the anchor locker, curled up in piles of rusty chains. good god in heaven, I have been so depressed for the past eight years, you have no idea. Why do I take these things so intensely? Maybe because that murdurous administration seemed both unstoppable and condoned? I made serious inquiries into the viability of studio work in North Europe. before that, I investigated graduate school in Australia. moving to Portland lifted my spirits for a time but still, it has taken years to settle into a measure of emotional security. I've been living on the fringe of reason and teetering at the brink of willful self-destructive obscurity ... forgive me, I am young. passionate. exciteable, depressable. I thought our trust could not be restored. I thought consumerism had a death-grip on our country. I feared the military machine would decimate everything I hold dear, with the media cheering on. And purely personally, I have bemoaned the gradual devaluation of elegant craftwork in all its forms. No, Rome was not built in a day. Barney Frank thinks the recovery will kick in six months before the next election. but I believe that this dear man has arrived in the nick of time to give us the straight jive on what we need to do. The system of destruction is so vast and so rooted in our assumptions that it is an astronomical task to bring justice to the earth, other countries, cultures, creeds, but I have nothing better to do with my little life than to engage. Damn the torpedoes, Captain! Full speed ahead, and I'll throw the pots!

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